Monday, December 12, 2022

Grumpyface Community Art Contest Winners!

We held our very first Art Challenge over at our official Grumpyface Discord (located here: ) and tasked our community with designing a "early-game swamp enemy" for a fake game. We received so many great submissions, but here were our three favorites!

The top winning entry is "FunGhoul" by @KevinMallonDrac (w/skull poison gas attack!)

For our runner-ups we have “Rollywog” by @moonghostboy -- complete with rolling and tongue attacks:

and “Globby” from @AnormalUser8 with backflip and belly flop attacks! (Plus the general offensive trait of exceeding cuteness)

Thanks again to everyone who took the time to enter our humble Community Art Challenge and share their huge talents with us!! Please look forward to our next contest after the holidays (And for more of our thoughts on why we picked these winners, and to also check out the other entries, be sure to visit our Discord ✨)

Friday, December 2, 2022

Grumpyface Community Art Contest

We're hosting our very first Community Art Contest over at our official Discord Server! 

For full rules and details, check out our Discord here:

The deadline for submissions is December 9th. Happy Creating!